Our services
From understanding how a playful intervention can help achieve your goals, to delivering a final product that helps people to adapt to the desired behavior, we offer a full service from start to finish.

Humans know many ways to combat climate change. But behavior is blocking actual change. The act of playing makes a difference.
Play is all around us. It connects us, provides knowledge, and triggers innovations. It makes us better humans.
zerow designs playful interventions that adapt human behavior to make the best choice for a healthier planet.
We waste 53,6 million tonnes of electronic equipment per year. Six percent of global emissions is from food we throw away. And if we stop our meat addiction, we could save several million squares of kilometres of land and reduce global CO2 emissions by up to 8 billion tonnes per year.
Human behavior is damaging our planet’s health. Fortunately, humans also have the power to adapt and create a healthy planet again.
But simply telling someone to change their behavior does not work. A playful intervention can make a difference. With play, humans become game changers.
From understanding how a playful intervention can help achieve your goals, to delivering a final product that helps people to adapt to the desired behavior, we offer a full service from start to finish.
Play is a powerful and undervalued development mechanism. It enables us to grow into something more than what we are today.
What is a playful intervention? Why is play a powerful medium for human development?
And how can it address climate change and change behavior?
Get teenagers to learn and talk about energy transition?
In partnership with a Dutch science center we developed the Energy Transition Game.
Are you an organisation with the objective to address climate change? And do you believe human behavior is stopping you from reaching that objective?
Where human behavior is a large contributor to achieve an objective, a playful interaction can make a difference.
Steer consumers during their shopping experience towards environmentally-friendly items (e.g. garden plants, vegetarian food, durable plastics).
Educate & activate consumers to better recycle plastics, electronics and food waste.
Trigger commuters to take the bicycle or train to work or school.
Let households use energy more efficiently or choose to invest in an energy-neutral home, speeding up the transition to an energy-neutral society.
Increase user adoption rate of technology and processes implemented by organisations.
Let the crowd come up with solutions for complex environmental challenges (citizen science games).
And this list goes on and on.
Are you an organisation aiming to address climate change? And do you believe human behavior is stopping you from reaching that objective?
Then let’s start the dialogue how play concepts may help to address your objectives.